The lungs are a pair of respiratory organs situated in the thoracic cavity.Each lung invaginates the corresponding pleural cavity.The right and left lungs are separated by the mediastinum.

Characteristic features :

  • Lung is porus,highly elastic and spongy in texture
  • It crepitates to the touch and floats on water.In still born lungs sink in water
  • In newborn it is rosy pink.In adult it is dark slaty gray due to deposition of carbonacious particles in the stroma of the lungs.

Presenting parts:

Each lung is half-conical in shape.It has:
  • An apex at the upper end
  • A base resting on the diaphragm
  • Three borders:
    1. Anterior
    2. Posterior 
    3. Inferior 

Two surfaces:

  1. costal
  2. medial:It is divided into
    1. Vertebral parts
    2. Mediastinal parts.

Lobes and fissures of the lungs:

  1.  Right lung presents three lobes- upper,middle and lower- separated by oblique fissure and horizontal fissure.
  2.  Left lung presents two lobes- upper and lower- separated by an oblique fissure.

The Lungs (Human Anatomy): Picture, Function, Definition

The Lungs (Human Anatomy): Picture, Function, Definition

Structure of lung:

Each lung is composed from outside inwards-
  1. Serous coat(derived from pulmonary pleura)
  2. Subserous areolar tissue (elastic fibro-areolar tissue)
  3. Pulmonary substance(includes all structures within the lung lobules)

The Lungs (Human Anatomy): Picture, Function, Definition

Bronchial tree

Bronchial tree:

Successive stages of division of trachea up to alveoli form the bronchial tree. Its divisions are-

Right & Left principal bronchi
Secondary or lobar bronchus
(3 for right & 2 for left)
Tertiary or segmental bronchus
( 10 for each lung)
Terminal bronchus
Lobular bronchiole
Terminal bronchiole
Respiratory bronchioles
Alveolar duct
Alveolar sac


A.Cells of conducting airway:

  1. Ciliated columnar cells
  2. Goblet cells
  3. Clara cells
  4. Basal cells
  5. Brush cells
  6. Neuroendocrine cells
  7. Lymphocytes
  8. Mast cells

B.Cells of lung alveoli:

  1. Type- 1 pneumocyte
  2. Type- 2 pneumocyte
  3. Alveolar macrophage